Adding devices to CDJ

CDJ automatically loads the device files it needs at startup to control your CD changers. You may however want to control additional pieces of equipment such as receivers, mini-disc players, and tape decks which can be integrated with CDJ using event maps. In order to do this, you need to tell CDJ the devices you intend to use by specifying the device files which contain the commands for these pieces of equipment and also specify how these devices are connected to the Slink-e (i.e which IR or S-Link port they are on).

OK, how do I add a device?

  1. In the CDJ menu, select the View | Options item to bring up the options property sheets
  2. Select the Devices tab.
  3. Click the Add... button to add a new device
  4. Click the Browse for device file button to locate the device file appropriate for your equipment
  5. Type a short name in the Device Name field that wish to use when commanding this device. No spaces are allowed in the name!
  6. If the device file supports multiple device IDs (like the Sony VCRs and CD changers do), you can select the appropriate ID number from the drop down list. Otherwise leave this set to 1.
  7. If you have more than one Slink-e, you can select which Slink-e this device is connected to from the drop down list.
  8. Next, check the boxes for the port(s) the Slink-e should use to talk to the device. A couple of points:
  9. Hit the OK button to load the device.
  10. You can verify that the device has been loaded and view its commands by looking at the port to which it is attached in the Devices tab in CDJ player window (if in stand-alone mode) or the View | Slink-es dialog of SlinkeServ (if in Slinkx mode).