CM11a X-10 Device Interface

Many users would like to access  X-10  functions though the same interface as the Slink-e via the SlinkX control. A special device type called cm11a has been created to meet this need by allowing you to interface to a CM11a 2-way X-10 controller which is poperly configured in SlinkeServ. By creating a device file with a single statement:

type = cm11a

and adding this device file with Ports = 0, IDNumber = 1, a special device will be added which allows you access to many X-10 commands. There is a device file called cm11a.cde in the device files\misc directory already made for this purpose. Using the AddDeviceText method makes this even simpler by not requiring an actual device file, only a text string "type = cm11a". Although there are no commands in this device file you have loaded, the Slink-e server supports the following hard-coded command and response functions





An address of an X-10 command or response can be one of three formats:

Dim level


A generic byte in the 0-255 range