[slinkelist] Re: [CPUXA] How to hook same audio source to multiple receivers

Sinan Karasu allahsiz@home.com
Sun, 19 Mar 2000 18:26:15 -0800

Tony Golden wrote:
> Niles Audio and Xantech (among others) make audio distribution amplifiers
> specifically for this purpose.  You may, however, be able to "split" the
> audio output to multiple receivers without such a device, and without
> noticeable degradation.

The solution I chose , even though not cheap or hi tech, was to use 
Stereo RF modulators and Stereo-only TV receivers thru-out the house.

 Granted this solution works best if you had been dilligent and
bought only Stereo TV sets in the past , but I had, (all 8 TVs
are Stereo), so I could do it just for the cost of Modulators.
