FW: [slinkelist] New CDJ version (beta)

Colby Boles cboles@socrates.berkeley.edu
Wed, 3 May 2000 00:19:16 -0700

> Few observation :
> 1. "Tooltips now drop away when clicked, allowing user to edit
> underlying text"
> But it does not reappear : Then a row is selected and you leave the
> mousepointer on top of long text cell the tooltip appears but if you
> move the mouse or click on the cell and them focus the mouse again on
> the cell the tooltip does not reappear. (tooltips can be really annoying
> to program)

I know. The way it works now, the tip goes away until you get another tip
somewhere else.

> 2. Transfer text to players : I would be nice to be able to choose the
> players to which you want to transfer text to = my 1. player (player 1)
> is 250 and it does not support the upload so I have to manually select
> player 2 albums and transfer selected. OR when the cdj gets 1. error
> message "The player does not support the upload" it would automaticly
> skip the or the albums to that player (or give dialog : Retry, Ignore,
> Skip All to that player, Cancel) and not 200 error messages.

CDJ is supposed to take care of this automatically. It knows which players
can store memos. I just looked at the code and there was a loophole I left
which is giving you this warning. It's fixed for the next version so that it
will just skip everything in those players like it is supposed to.

> 3. Shortcut keys to control the cdj : I usuallly navigate with arrow
> keys (in Albums window) because they move the focus from one row to
> another and update the image & Tracks listing to current Album. What I
> love to see is KBshortcut :
> 1. Move from Albums window to tracks window (step through all cdj
> windows ...,album-track-playlist-album...)
> 2. Play now
> 3. Add to playlist

the stepping would be more complicated. people don't necessarily have all of
those windows open. your point is taken though. the problem right now is
that with the docking windows we're using, it's hard to even indicate where
the focus is, which is important for the user to know if they are supposedly
navigating them. in some ways i'm reluctant to add to much to this UI
because I feel like totally redoing it. I'm not sure how soon that will
happen though...
