[slinkelist] New CDJ Version

Colby Boles cboles@socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Fri, 13 Oct 2000 20:13:06 -0700

I've put a new version of CDJ on the site. It might also fix the "updated
library" messages, but i can't be sure until some people try it since i
can't create the problem here.


Added playlist_getfilename command
Fixed loss of Never Play information on save / load
Save progress dialog is not shown if library is saving less than 10 items,
preventing interruptions.
Fixed problems with drag and drop of images and related updating of such.
All keywords are cast to lower case to prevent confusion / duplication
Fixed movement of playlist pointer in some insertion cases
Fixed skipping of MP3 albums in playlist
Fixed problem which made keyword changes not searchable until after a
library save


Slink-e info tree updates when errors change