[slinkelist] Sending CDJ / Partygui to my TV

Michael Holopainen michael@laserle.fi
Wed, 03 Jan 2001 11:32:01 +0200

mount one PC to stereo rack, you get inexpensive DVD player & mp3 player and
then some...
and hook it up with your other pc via LAN.

1. asus Vxxxx cards tv out is not very good(at least PAL haven't yet tried
2. diamond viper 550/770(old, inexpensive both pci and AGP models) had IMHO
good tv out quality
3. matrox _should_ have "best" tv out quality (my next card WILL be matrox
4. Also someone said that ATI has "good" tv out, I do not believe that, but
ATI cards are cheap so...

But it's poitless to talk about cards as 98% of PC2TV picture quality is
dictated by your tv.
VGA and TV picture are fundamentally sooooo different that there is no good
If you want good picture, then you need to buy big enough monitor to watch tv
ie. pioneer 50" plasmatv (price approx 20 000USD) is "good"

-michael (A)

Gregg King wrote:

> I want to run CDJ from my TV which is with my stereo, in a different room
> than my PC.  I see on the Partygui site that it mentions that it looks
> good on a TV.  My existing video card does not have a TV out port.  I plan
> to send the signal to my TV using wireless products from X10, but need
> help adding hardware to my PC for the TV out.  Can I add a card - like a
> "piggyback" kind of a thing without having to buy another video card?
> Any suggestions welcome.
> Gregg King
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   --"Would you fly on airplane controlled by MS Windows ?"--
| Michael Holopainen | Valuraudantie 25 | Tel: +358-(0)9-35093825  |
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| Laserle Oy         | Finland          | email: michael@laserle.fi|