[slinkelist] FAQ: linux driver?

Brian bdv@hybernaut.com
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:41:53 -0400

Tony Sweets writes:

> Maybe we should start a new project. Anyone interested?
> -Tony

I'm definitely interested.

I think if we could a Perl module with the s-link primitives, then a
wide range of applications could use it.  Has anyone tackled this?

Personally, I'd like to build the jukebox as a web application,
providing an easy interface to any clients.  For example, this seems
like the natural way for an office/lab of six people to share a
shuffler, and trade off music selection.  It may not work so easily
in the home, where a palmtop would make a fine remote control.

Thoughts, anyone?

I'd also entertain the suggestion that we take this to a linux-slinke


Brian Del Vecchio  |  Institute of Hybernautics   |  bdv@hybernaut.com 