[slinkelist] Mini-HOW-TO: Control (Sony) Amp with CDJ/Slinke

Michael Holopainen michael@laserle.fi
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 05:25:29 +0200

1. In Options - Devices - Add : name it i.e.. MyAmp or whatever and for
device file -> give path to "c:\Program Files\Nirvis\Device Files" (or
where ever you did install cdj software) and it's sub directory Sony and
in there 
there ampsls.cde-file 
"...Nirvis\Device Files\Sony\ampsls.cde"
(  ampir.cde = AMP IR CODE
  ampslr.cde = AMP S-Link Receive Code
  ampsls.cde = AMP S-Link Send Code )

2. Now you have device in cdj called MyAmp (of something)

3. To control that device you need to edit ...Nirvis\CDJ\maps.txt (it's
good idea to move that file to another location AND tell cdj it's new
location in options->maps so you don't overwrite it when upgrading cdj)
I you have old CDJ you need to edit the file with notepad or some other
writing tool
because old cdj does not allow you to edit the file in cdj (you can
view it). But current version allows you to directly edit it (remember
to reload it after edit) 

maps.txt works like :  

cdrj:EVENT[EventDetail] { ACTION[ActionDetail] ; 2ndAction ; 3rd...}
ie. you press mute on your amp, that is an event, you can write
code(actions) that is performed when cdj detects that event.
(everything from sony-slink-devices is send to s-link, you can ask you
amp "What is your current volume setting" and it will reply)

ie. cdjr:using_player[CD1] {myamp:input[020200]}
means that when <event> CD1 starts playing something cdj performs
= of sending command "input[002200]" to device myamp. 

CD1 & other player names can be seen in Players window, (device named)
MP3 is integral player of
cdj, in addition to player you can create additional devices in Device
Files and point to then with given name.  

read the map.txt and ...Sony\ampsls.cde file and figure out the syntax
also ampsls.cde-file contains the input source codes ie. VCR2=111100

finally the answer :
edit in maps.txt-file the following row : "cdjr:using_player[mp3] {}" to

cdjr:using_player[mp3] {myamp:input[######]}

where :
"myamp" is the name you have given to your amp described in
"input[#####]" is the command send to myamp (converted to binary code
according to Sony/ampsls.cde) = tells sony amp to switch audio source to
##### is numeric code for audio source (read the ampsls.cde)

NOTE I don't have the cdj files here with me so I wrote that out of my
(bad) memory if that don't work try chancing the syntax i.e..
myamp[input:020200] (cd in sony amp)

P.S. Some amp sometimes hang up, and don't always change input. Solution
= give the command repeteately like : "cdjr:using_player[mp3]
good luck