[slinkelist] Image drag & drop to cdj

shawn@sboyle.com shawn@sboyle.com
4 May 2000 10:55:26 -0700

If you're using the "horrible other browser," there are registry keys that define what directory the browser uses to store temporary internet files. You could, theoretically, change these keys to point to your album covers directory, drag and drop all of your covers to cdj, and then change the keys back. Of course then you would have to delete all of the other temporary files that aren't the actual covers. Might be hard since they probably don't have user friendly names.

The keys [at least in NT] are found under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths

Most of the time, editing the registry directly doesn't produce the results you want [so this is a long shot at best]. Make sure you close all of your browser windows before editing the keys, and you might want to throw in a couple of reboots for good luck. 

In the end you'll probably spend more time trying to get this to work than you would save by being able to directly drag and drop. I can't think of any other way around this except to add a feature to cdj that would resave files dropped on the cover window to another location.


On Thu, 04 May 2000, Michael Holopainen wrote:

> They are stored in cdnow server (www.cdnow.com/whereever). 
> when you drag&drop image to cdj (or mp3 file) the cdj don't do anything
> to the image just saves the PATH to the image.
> in webbrowser right click the image and choose "Save Image As" and save
> it to your local HD (or whereever you want to keep the image files) and
> from WINDOWS Explores drag & drop to CDJ (or My Computer / Network
> Neighbourhood) 
> IT DO NOT STORE THEM TO "temporary internet files" that is just your
> webrowsers cache = NOTHING TO DO WITH CDJ everything webbrowser loads
> (you see in your in webbrowser window) is saved to the TEMPORARY cache
> for a while (30 days or something by default, can be configured and
> those files are deleted automaticly every now & then)  
> SO if you drag & drow from web browser (Netscape or that horrible other)
> CDJ saves the image file path =
> "http://www.cdnow.com/somewhere/subdir/someImage.jpg" 
> so you would need to be online for the image to be displayed -> A LOT
> smarter is to save the image to local drive & them drag & drop to LINK
> cdj to that image file (remember if you move the file you need to update
> the path to cdj)
> -michael (A)
> "Cunningham, Neil" wrote:
> > 
> > Has anyone found a way to control where images dragged from cdnow (for
> > example) to cdj get stored?  This is a quick way to get images but it stores
> > them under the "temporary internet files" directory.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Neil
> > 
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