[slinkelist] Any future DVD-changer?

MitchellS.Cohen MitchellS.Cohen
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 13:01:04 -0500

I'm currently using a CDP-CX240, which works great with the slink-e.  I'm 
desperate for a second CD changer, but would also like a DVD 

I know the DVP-CX850D doesn't support what the slink-e needs for full 
control, thus isn't an option.  Bummer.  So I'm weighing the purchase of 
another CD changer vs waiting a little while to see what Sony comes out 

I know Sony isn't the most open with its future product plans, but does 
anyone have any insight on whether they'll release a CD/DVD-changer with 
real Control-S/A1 support?



      Mitchell S. Cohen, Multimedia Systems Consulting
        mcohen@msystems.com, http://www.msystems.com
  Home Automation page at http://www.msystems.com/homeauto/